Our Dog Trainer

- Training
- Behavior
- Health
Who is our Dog Trainer?
Hi, I’m Olive, I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself before I come into your home and change your lives.
I love what I do!!!! I love being a dog trainer and seeing the changes dog owners see when their dogs who never listen, now suddenly do! When they feel so much more confident taking their dog out in public, and their dogs enjoy it so much more now too. It’s a wonderful feeling to take a family from, non stop barking every time the doorbell rings, to having a calm, quiet dog that listens well, and visitors complement you about their good behavior. The family is so much happier because there is more peace in the house. They can take down the gates, Grandparents aren’t afraid they’ll get jumped on, toddlers aren’t being knocked over crying, – so everybody can be together more often. I take an holistic, whole body approach to dog training, health and wellness. This covers more than behaviour, but also emotional issues like fear, anxiety, past trauma etc. While also helping with physical issues, such as arthritis, chronic pain, etc., reducing inflammation, and speeding recovery time from injury, and surgery …and so much more. It’s a privilege to come into your home and change your dogs’ behaviour in ways you didn’t even think were possible. It will change your life, and it brings me so much joy to see happen! From the very first visit, I’m able to really help you, it’s so rewarding for everybody. Everyone benefits – your dog, your family, the whole Pack!
I love what I do!!!! I love being a dog trainer and seeing the changes dog owners see when their dogs who never listen, now suddenly do! When they feel so much more confident taking their dog out in public, and their dogs enjoy it so much more now too. It’s a wonderful feeling to take a family from, non stop barking every time the doorbell rings, to having a calm, quiet dog that listens well, and visitors complement you about their good behavior. The family is so much happier because there is more peace in the house. They can take down the gates, Grandparents aren’t afraid they’ll get jumped on, toddlers aren’t being knocked over crying, – so everybody can be together more often. I take an holistic, whole body approach to dog training, health and wellness. This covers more than behaviour, but also emotional issues like fear, anxiety, past trauma etc. While also helping with physical issues, such as arthritis, chronic pain, etc., reducing inflammation, and speeding recovery time from injury, and surgery …and so much more. It’s a privilege to come into your home and change your dogs’ behaviour in ways you didn’t even think were possible. It will change your life, and it brings me so much joy to see happen! From the very first visit, I’m able to really help you, it’s so rewarding for everybody. Everyone benefits – your dog, your family, the whole Pack!

This is ME as a seasoned four-year-old. (It was Easter, hence the hat). I won’t tell you how many decades ago this was, but it’s been more than a few.
Becoming a Master Dog Trainer
I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t around or involved with dogs in some form or another. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of my father’s dogs and kennels. I learned from early childhood about: the importance of pack leadership; pack dynamics; and developing the bond of trust and respect with dogs.
After spending my first 25 years working in the business world, I was determined the next 25 would be spent doing what I loved. So, in 1996 I moved to Ireland and began working in a small established Greyhound Kennel.
Over the next 10+ years, I studied and worked hands on. I became responsible for training the ‘problem’ dogs. Because of my experience as a dog trainer, I could do temperament assessments and design custom programs to work effectively with the anxious, fearful, and traumatized dogs that build trust and confidence – making their lives easier, less stressful, and more relaxed. More successful for all!

This is Shadow (R.I.P).
My Calling
I’ve always had a soft spot for dogs in need and I soon rescued two beautiful girls who became my treasured companions.
As my reputation grew, I received more and more requests to expand my work to include ‘the family pet’ and all breeds of dogs. This was the direction my work developed… and I knew I’d found my calling!
By 2008, I had returned to Canada, become a Certified Master Trainer, and opened DOGGY DO’S & DON’TS … to provide customized training for my clients. I am now pleased to add exclusive, Anxiety Treatments and Health & Wellness Treatments to our services.

I’d love to help you too. This is what I do… yes, even for your dog! I look forward to working with you and your dog,
Olive Pearce,
Certified Master Dog Trainer

This is Sandy (R.I.P).